Overcoming Sin through Christ
A Comprehensive List of Sins
(Alphabetically Arranged)
Richard Hollerman
The plan of this study is simple. We will look at a large number of sins, one by one, alphabetically. We will define the sin, describe it, and comment on it, along with noticing Scripture references on the particular entry. Some illustrations will be offered along with the description.
Neglect and Omission
By “Neglect” we are referring to the sin of not doing what we need to do, not fulfilling what God wants or failing to take God’s Word seriously by believing and obey it. We know that it is possible to sin by doing what God forbids. “He who steals must steal no longer” (Ephesians 4:28), “laying aside falsehood” (v. 25), and “let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth” (v. 29) would be examples of these negative commands—ones that would be violated if we were to steal, say a falsehood, or speak an unwholesome word. We would call this a sin of commission—we do something that is forbidden.
On the other hand, we can also sin by failing to do what God commands. This would be called a sin of omission. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” “Rejoice always,” and “Pray without ceasing” would be examples of positive commands. If we were to fail to love, fail to rejoice, and fail to pray we would be guilty of violating such commands.
When we refer to sin of “neglect” above, we are referring to a failure to do what God wants us to do. James 4:17 says, “To one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.” We may tend to think that most of our sinning consists of doing what God prohibits—and, indeed, one can sin in this way very extensively. Yet maybe failing to do what God wants us to do would be just as important for us to keep in mind.
How often do you neglect to do what you know is God’s will? We know that God says to give of our income to the needs of others (2 Corinthians 8:7). Do we give freely in this way? Scripture says, “Through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13). Are you are servant? Scripture says, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse” (Romans 12:14). Do you bless those who cause you to suffer for your faith? God says to be “devoted to prayer” (Romans 12:12b). Do you regularly and actively pray?
Let’s remember that God says, “To one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17). When we fail to do the “right thing” we sin against God. We would go further than this. Some may read this verse and think that there is value in being ignorant. They may say that if we don’t “know” the right thing, then it isn’t sinful to fail to do it. On the contrary, we are also accountable to God to know His word and thereby know His will! When we don’t passionately, fervently and sincerely “examine the Scriptures daily” to determine God’s will (cf. Acts 17:11), then we have no excuse for not knowing it. We can’t plead ignorance of His will, thus we are guilty of neglecting to do what God has commanded.