Celebrities who Turned against Religion

If you have watched the news on television or the internet, you are aware of various “celebrities” (as they call them) who have turned against any former religion that they used to have. Now they may be nothing or don’t know what to believe. Who are they and how should we view them?

  1. Brad Pitt

I suppose that many of us have heard of Brad Pitt and also his former wife (who went to someone else and he went to someone else). What about him?

He sang in the church choir when he was little, as he was raised by two devout Baptists. But now Brad says he is 20% atheist and 80% agnostic.

  1. Javier Bardem

The actor was raised in a Catholic family but lost his faith when became adult. He says: I’ve always said I don’t believe in God. I believe in Al Pacino.

Personally I don’t know him but we know that this is not at all representative of one who knows God.

  1. George Clooney

I suppose that many of us have heard of Clooney. We know that he was married and then divorced. This is what he says about religion:

I don’t believe in heaven and hell. I don’t know if I believe in God. All I know is that as an individual, I won’t allow this life – the only thing I know to exist – to be wasted.

No, George, it won’t be “wasted” if you were to come to God and find His forgiveness in Christ!

  1. Amber Heard

Former Johnny Depp’s wife, Amber Heard, wasn’t really talkative about the subject. She lost her faith at 16 after her friend died in a car accident. The actress says:

I’m not anti ‘higher power’ so you could call me agnostic. Whatever, call me anything but I will never be a religious person.

We know that it is a tragedy that one’s friend dies in a car accident. We don’t  know why or how (we don’t know if there was sin involved at all). But this is a cause to turn to God and not away from Him!

  1. Bruce Willis

Die Hard actor attended a Lutheran church when he was young, but later became quite hostile to the organization by saying:

Organized religions in general, in my opinion, are dying forms. They were important when we didn’t know why the sun moved, why weather changed, why hurricanes occurred.

Willis has just learned that he has an incurable disease. It is so important that he turn from is adulterous second wife and every other sin in his life and to find redemption in Christ!

  1. Anne Hathaway

The actress was raised in a Catholic family. However, after her brother came out, the whole family converted from Catholicism. She told that:

The whole family converted to Episcopalianism after my elder brother came out. Why should I support an organization that has a limited view of my beloved brother?

We don’t know what this person means by all of her talk of “coming out” but if she is speaking about sodomy, then we can see why they were lost (for one reason). We know that the only way she can find God’s forgiveness is not through Catholicism or Episcopalianism but through Christ.

  1. Seth Macfarlane

Although the actor also was raised by the Catholic parents, Seth rejected the church at the age of 11:

It’s like the civil rights movement. There have to be people who are vocal about the advancement of knowledge over faith.

This is definitely a questionable statement. It is good that he left Catholicism but where did he end up? Further, we need to know that salvation in Christ is not a matter of “knowledge” or “faith” but of both.

We do hope that these people will come to God through Chris and find His forgiveness!

(Sorry, but we can’t remember the source of this information, but we have changed many of the statements other than the names and quotations that they gave. If anyone knows, we invite you to let us know.)