A Right?

Richard Hollerman

Somehow I get the impression that others accuse right-thinking, wise, and godly men and women of not understanding! We find a word that is bandied about today with a meaning that “means” nothing. I refer to the term “right”!

We hear or read of the “right” to work, the “right” to live,” the “right” to serve, the “right” to go somewhere, and the “right” to hear and speak the truth. Yes, some of these do refer to a genuine “right” but, sadly, some do not. In fact, the way that the term “right” is used today, suggests the very opposite of what is true and good!

We hear and read of abortion rights and the right to work. We learn of the right to marry, the right to schooling, the right to immigrate, even the right to die. We read of the right to religion or the right to no religion. We learn of the right to do wrong! All of the talk about “rights” can be confusing!

For example, we read of the “right” of  people to kill their babies! Is this really a “right” in the sight of God? Did God say that we have the right to kill our babies, the right to kill our children, the right to murder one another? Of course not, but this is one of the many ways that people (generally “liberal” people) want to use the term!

The term “right” is defined in this way:

  • Conforming with or conformable to justice, law, or morality.
  • In accordance with fact, reason, or truth; correct.
  • Fitting, proper, or appropriate.

The list goes on but this is sufficient for us to get a “taste” of the meaning. Yet, we read of the “right” that a woman has to kill her baby. She and millions of others insist that it is their “right” to murder their infant, that the Supreme Court of the land agrees with this, and that “thinking” people agree that it is the “right” of a woman to kill her child. Is is—really?

Of course, the term is used in many different ways. Consider these questions:

  1. Does a driver have the “right” to drive above the speed limit or drive in a reckless way?
  2. Does a person have the “right” to skip his or her payment of the mortgage?
  3. Does a home-owner have the “right” to kill his or her neighbor?
  4. Does a student have the “right” to skip a test or negate the results of a test?
  5. Does a sports player have the “right” to disagree with the head of a team?

We might add these questions from a Christian viewpoint:

  1. Do we have the “right” to either believe or not believe in God?
  2. Do we have the “right” to overlook the words of our Maker?
  3. Do we have the “right” to reject what God has said about our beginnings?
  4. Do we have the “right” to overlook or reject what the Lord has said about our creation?
  5. Do we have the “right” to change the age of the creation (some 6,000 years ago) to something much more lengthy (perhaps 14 billion years ago)?
  6. Do we have the “right” to have a negative attitude toward what God has said in His Word?

This would be the kind of list that could go on and on, as you can see! We use “right” in the wrong way! God our Creator, Maker, and Lord doesn’t give us a “right” to change His Word, to change the truth, to change what is right and wrong!

Why should we insist on saying that the Supreme Court gives us a “right” to do wrong? What is good and truthful remains good and truthful and what is wrong and ungodly remains wrong and ungodly. It makes no difference what the Supreme Court says. It makes no difference what Republicans or Democrats or Independents say—what is rightis right and what is wrong is wrong.

Now consider some of the settled views of society—but perhaps they are wrong in the sight of God (of which we should be very concerned):

  1. Is it “right” for a person to take God’s “name” in vain?
  2. Is it “right” to overlook or change what God has revealed?
  3. Is it “right” for truth to be changed into a lie?
  4. Is it “right” for one to worship a false god and overlook the true and living God?
  5. Is it “right” for us to close our eyes to what God has told us in His divine word?
  6. Is it “right” to violate the will of God and replace it with our own will and ways?
  7. Is it “right” to commit immoral actions or have immoral thoughts?
  8. Is it “right” for a man to marry five women at one time?
  9. Is it “right” for a man to marry five women one after another?

This is another of those lists that could go on and on, isn’t it! I am referring to this for some “liberal” men and woman are loudly proclaiming that it is their “right” to kill their pre-born baby. And what is true of the pre-born logically is true of the child recently born—and for the child born a year, two years, or ten years ago! Isn’t this true? If we do have a “right” to do something sinful at one time we have the same “right” to do something sinful today!

No, we don’t have the “right” to kill our baby nor do we have the “right” to kill an older person (which some are advocating). We know that there are many circumstances that make having a child, bearing a child, and raising a child difficult—very difficult. There may be 9 months of anguish. There may be several thousand dollars in having a child. And there may be $100,000, $200,000, or $300,000 in raising a child. But a man (in this case, perhaps an “irresponsible” and carnal man) must think of this before he impregnates a girl.

Further, the woman (or mother) must think of this before she chooses to be impregnated. Further, we know that it may be that a warm, responsible, Christian father and mother who are not committing adultery may choose to have a baby or a child. The very opposite, it may be that the couple wrongly has the child. It may be that the father and mother choose to have a sexual relationship—and they are not even married! All of this may be true and this does complicate matters drastically.

We know (and you do too) that many or even most pregnancies come about because of irresponsible, wrong, and sinful choices. This may account for the underlying reason why people have loudly proclaimed their “right” to kill their baby. In other words, it may not be that a couple choose to murder their unborn baby because they just want to. No, it may be that they want to leave a difficult situation and put it behind them. They may want to escape the “problem pregnancy” by killing the outcome of the immorality (of fornication or adultery). Thus, they are unwilling to face the “consequences” or their foolish behavior and relationship. They just want to kill the resulting “fetus” or unborn baby!

Won’t you think about your own use of language and whether you too may use “right” in a wrong way! Maybe you have acquiesced to the prevailing liberal bias against a moral relationship and having a child under proper circumstances. Are you using “right” in way that negates proper English and falls into the line of liberal thinkers in America? And if you live in Mexico, Canada, Europe, or any one of the 195 countries of the world, are you using “right” in a wrong way?

I don’t know your language and what terms are used, but in your own language, are you using “right” as the liberal proponents and abortion defenders would want? Maybe you have been swayed by liberal educators, liberal advertisers, liberal entertainment, liberal government officials, or liberal friends may use the word and promote their “liberal” agenda!

It is better to submit to the ways of God than the liberal but wrong people around us and the liberal people in society! As Peter has said, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Whether we use “right” in a wrong way or submit to the wrong but sinful ways of society around us, let us always do the right! Regardless of what sinful and liberal culture says, let us always do the right! Let us not fall for the lies about “rights” but choose the “right” at all times!