Ear Ornaments on Males?

We thought about naming this short article “Earrings on Males?” but some of what we refer to are not really “rings” thus we have named it as we have. We know that this is somewhat of a modern phase or phenomena, but it is worthy of comment. Or what about “studs”–but what if the item is not a “stud”?

We might wonder if only sodomites (homosexuals) wear these ear items, and the answer is that no, today even “straight” men do this. Thus, this is the relevant background of our concern.

We might also wonder why men wear these ear items. This is what we have discovered from at least one source: “Generally, most men will have their ears pierced because they think they will impress their female counterparts and maybe propose to be out on a date with them. They say that earrings make them look sexy and attractive to ladies” (https://www.google.com/search?q=earrings+for+men). We know that this is not much of an answer for the Christian reader, but it is the truth.

Here is another quotation from a source that many of our readers would trust:

“Women who can not tolerate men with earrings also point to several reasons. Some women are against male earrings because of the religious reasons. There are women who believe earrings to be women’s jewelry only, and therefore insist that men with earrings look effeminate. Some associate earrings with homosexuals and weakness.” (https://www.nadinartdesign.com/blogs/news/what-do-women-think-about-men-wearing-earrings).

Regardless of whether women (or girls) would like or not like, prefer or despise, men who wear these pieces of jewelry, we would make these charges:

First, traditionally (in most of the world), this sort of jewelry is associated with women and not with men. Why would a man (a really masculine man!) wear such jewelry?

Second, we all know that this sort of jewelry is associated with sexual immorality and sodomy or homosexuality. We know that now, it has “crossed over” and the general public in the last few years has accepted this as “normal” but why use something that traditionally has had connotations of evil or sin?

Third, men’s “earrings” (I am not sure what else to call them) is associated with an array of other evil or wicked things. Why do anything like this that would make us a companion of evil and immorality in any way?

Fourth, almost all “Christians” (of a more conservative nature and not the modern liberal and worldly kind) would frown (or even forbid) this sort of display on a man.

Fifth, even many (or most?) women would be negative toward this sort of display on a man. Is this something that a man (a masculine man) want?

Sixth, this kind of accessory doesn’t make a man look like a man but like a woman. Is this something that a sane, rational man would want? Does he want to appear as a woman or as a man (in private or public)?

Seventh, even if this practice were entirely good (and it is not, of course) we would be advised to avoid it (because of such passages as 1 Corinthians 8:9-13 clearly says), and we should avoid it because it is associated with so much evil.

Eighth, ask yourself plainly whether this is something that makes a man look like a man—a real man—or a woman? (We don’t mean to say that it is fine for a woman to wear jewelry and the like—see 1 Timothy 2:9-10; 1 Peter 3:3-4; etc.) But does this make a man look like a woman or the reverse?

Ninth, perhaps it is a bias (or maybe not) but think of the men in Europe, in Asia, in North America, in South America, and similar places), and ask the pointed question: These men that you see in pictures, do they appear this way or not?

Tenth, another important question would be this: Dopes this practice made America look more normal, more “masculine,” or more reserved, effeminate, and more degenerate? Does it make certain other counties respect America or despise this country? We know that America has a reputation of being evil, worldly, and wrong; but we wonder whether this practice may contribute to this reputation!

Eleventh, we might also note that in some areas it is forbidden that men appear in this way (with ear jewelry). If this is so, should we really side with those who oppose this form of appearance or those who promote it? Does this come from American sports participants, or Hollywood men, or other entertainment figures—or do we find this form of appearance being either shunned or avoided by public figures or men who live in various parts of the country (other than entertainment sections)?

Hopefully, this will help you to view this more objectively as it did me and then avoid earrings for men or anything like this! We know that men sometimes do wear women’s clothes (and here we are not specking of “transgender” or “transvestite” men!). These feministic men sometimes do act like women and dress like women and do many other things as do women. We are sorry for this and the sane Christian will studiously avoid this.

If you who are reading this claim to be a true Christian, we encourage you to live like a Christian. Let Christian men who are reading these words look, act, dress, and appear as a man. (And, we might add, let the Christian woman look, act, dress, and appear as a woman—and not as a man.)